Hispanic students are presented with a number of college scholarships.

Hispanic students along with their families are greeted with a wonderful start in fall when the Hispanic organizations announce that they will be funding guidelines and plans for the entire school year.

This occasion coincide with the time where Hispanic families are conducting their searches for a means to pay the expensive amount of college education for their kids.

Mainly, only the Hispanics that are College bound will be benefited by the said program.

Now, students may go frenzy when selecting which college programs to take, plus also, the number of students who have stopped for a year that are planning to go back to school.

Really, this is not the first time this occurrence has happened. Scholarships are universally popular in providing the disadvantaged and the financially handicapped students an opportunity.

The big Corporations have established themselves in providing scholarships for hispanic students, included here are Coors, General Motors, CNN, MasterCard, Lockheed Martin, Sallie Mae, Wachovia, Office Depot and Time Warner.

But questions may arise. Why do these benevolent companies fund hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide Latino Scholarships? What will they get from these Hispanic students?

The answer is not just confided into one, they support the presented programs for Hispanic scholarship founded by the Latino organizations like the National Association of the Hispanic Journalists, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, and National Hispanic Scholarship, majority of them yield from public relations and the positive society results generated by the programs.

For numerous years, the Latinos as a consumer have become progressively more acculturated into America’s lifestyle mainstream. A few of them have fixed a good place in influencing the public and private sectors, while the others adds to the classy consumers.

Part of the development is rooted from the growing awareness of some Latinos who have been ignored to the point of receiving undeserved treatment from lots of companies. This fact goes though since the Census last 2000 mark them as the clients of their goods and services.

Also, the Hispanic purchasing power is rising, for this reason, the conversationalists and the marketers have started to take advantage of the prospects and escalation of the Hispanic markets.

This is because of the estimate of the Multicultural Economy on year 1900-2009 as reported by the Selig Center for Economic Growth ranges to almost $700 billion annually.

Thus, the thousands of dollars funded for Hispanic scholarship is nothing as compared to the purchasing power of these future consumers. Not just that, the scholarship beneficiaries may also join the labor force in the near future.

According to the critics, there is the rising situation wherein the scholarship provided for the Latinos are too much, as fitted to the number of students in need. However, this is countered by the theory that the Hispanic students who graduate and later joins the labor force of the Americans also produces the same program.

But anyhow, the only thing that matters is that the Hispanic students are given more chances to pursue their college education, through the rise of the benefactors and donors.

Meanwhile, the effects will be the same, the Latinos who graduates gives gratitude to the company who have helped them to finish their higher education.

Words can make a big difference in the lives of others and in our lives as well. It is important to remember the words we choose do matter.

word choices, words and communication, positive difference

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Air Canada Flight 154

I was boarding a flight in Edmonton, Alberta, bound for Toronto after a long day. As I handed my boarding pass to the Air Canada gate agent, I asked her if she was having a good day. Her response has been in my mind for nearly two weeks. She looked at me, smiled, and said, “All the better for you asking me, thanks.”

As I literally skipped down the jetway, I smiled. I have asked hundreds of people if they are having a good day. Never have I received that response. I’ve heard, “It’s ok.”, “No not really,” and “Fine, thanks.” But never, until now, have I heard “All the better for you asking me, thanks.”

Her response was gracious and warm. It wowed me as a Customer – giving me a very positive experience with Air Canada (even before I was on the plane!) More importantly, it made me feel special as a human being. Perhaps she was taught to say this by a parent at a young age and it was an automatic response. Even if this were true, her genuine response makes that irrelevant.
What would have been a normal flight was changed by eight words – eight words I am sure I will never forget.

The Internet Essay

Recently I read an essay from one of my favorite writers. Scott Ringwelski writes an essay each week called Positive Pause. Last week’s issue starts . . .

“ No Problem…actually is.

‘ No problem.’ It seems natural, easy going, off the cuff, casual.

It’s a throwaway line for a disposable world.

However, how does your throwaway line and casual attitude translate to those you say it to?”

Scott goes on to say that the two words are actually two negatives, no and problem. Through a wonderful personal story he relates that rather than answering a request with “no problem,” it would be much more meaningful and powerful to say “It would be my pleasure.” Scott knows, as does my Edmonton friend, that choosing these words can make a huge difference.


A few hours ago my step mother passed away. While there are many ways she blessed my life and there will be many things I will remember about her, the thing that strikes me now is one of her favorite phrases. “Terrific!” Ask Rhea how she was, and she, more often than not, would say “Terrific!” Even over the last few months when she was very ill. When you saw her, or spoke to her on the phone, if you asked how she was, she would say, “Terrific!”

Certainly in these last few months she hasn’t always been terrific, at least by most people’s standards. Her optimistic reply though, always lifted my day – even if I were calling to try and lift hers.

The Common Thread

In all of these cases, the words chosen by people have made a positive difference to those around them. As a consultant if I think about these word choices, I could easily make a case that using these phrases would be powerful in terms of Customer Service, and internal communications.

Most importantly though is that choosing these words transforms the people who say the words. Think about my Air Canada friend saying, “All the better for you asking me, thanks!”, or anyone saying “It’s been a pleasure,” or “Terrific!”
These phrases recast our thinking and our self talk in a more positive, focused, and accountable way. Indeed, these words can make a big difference in the lives of others, and in our lives as well.

The words do matter. To everyone.

The Les Paul collection of guitars have always been as stylish and innovative as the guitarist and inventor they were named after.

Les Paul guitars

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The Gibson Les Paul guitar was conceived at the very beginning of electric guitar history and has held its place at the forefront of guitar technology ever since. The two key elements that make the Les Paul guitars special are the vision of Les Paul himself, an eminent guitarist and enthusiastic inventor and the fact that the Gibson guitar company has always held extremely high standards of excellence for its instruments.

Les Paul is often credited with inventing the solid body electric guitar, and his involvement with the Gibson models was more or less just a happy accident. When he was a teenage performer he tried amplifying an ordinary acoustic guitar so that he could be heard by the audience. The feedback that resulted was finally eliminated by attaching the neck of an Epiphone guitar onto a block of wood. This was so strange looking that Les' musical talents were not taken seriously so he attached wings to the side of the wood so that it resembled a conventional guitar shape.

The moving force behind the financial and artistic success of the Les Paul guitar was the desire of the Gibson Guitar Corporation to market a solid body model electric guitar under the name of an established guitarist. By this time, the early 1950's, Les Paul was the most popular electric guitar player of the time. It would be a great triumph for Gibson to snare the endorsement of this guitarist who had conceived and made his own electric guitar which had become the basis for a solid electric guitar sold by his friend, Leo Fender. Eventually, after recommending some changes to the appearance of the new Gibson guitar, Les Paul allowed it to be released under his name.

There are a couple of design elements that stand out in the Les Paul range of guitars. The strings on a Les Paul guitar are mounted "hollow body style" on top of the guitar instead of passing through the body as is common with other brands of solid body guitars. This is merely a stylistic distinction, not affecting the sound of the guitar. The characteristic warm tone of the Les Paul guitars is due to the types of wood chosen by Gibson for these models. As we should expect from a guitar endorsed by the man whose own guitar design was nicknamed "the log", Les Paul guitars are also heavier and thicker than other solid body guitars. Both Les Paul and the Gibson corporation were fans of starting with substance and piling on heaps of style, so most Les Paul model guitars feature flashy inlays on the neck and headstock.

The Gibson Guitar Corporation has made many models under the Les Paul brand. Featuring names like Classic, Supreme, Standard, Studio Baritone, Studio, Goddess, Menace, New Century, Vixen, Special, Doublecuts and Melody Maker, each one has its own individual sound. Between 1969 and 1979 Gibson even marketed a range of Les Paul bass guitars. The Gibson Les Paul guitars have also been imitated by other companies such as Ibanez and Tokai. The legal wrangles surrounding these attempts at copying Les Paul guitars have only added to their collectibility.

Joseph Campbell's hero's journey spoke of allies and mentors the hero meets on the way to the golden elixir -- in other words, helping characters who assist the hero in his goal. In this article, a personal life coach explains what a coach does and who he is.

personal life coach,life coach,personal coach,life coaching,personal coaching

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A personal life coach is part of a profession whose name is new but whose role is as old as recorded history. Throughout history, successful people have had the self-awareness and emotional intelligence to ally themselves with friends and confidants, advisors and partners, mentors and guides, peers and supporters of their enterprises, consultants, and, in athletic endeavors, even coaches. The synonyms for those who care for us and are committed to our growth and success are as plentiful as mythology’s hero of a thousand faces.


Since we began to call it "coaching" in the mid-1980s, we now have "coaches," who differ from the previous archetypal helpers in various ways. Yet those differences are precisely the source of the power and effectiveness that is causing more and more people to hire their own chief of staff.

Clients hire coaches for support and comradeship in reaching goals in areas as diverse as business, executive, leadership, career, financial, health and relationships. Many coaches offer specialties such as spiritual coaching, parenting coaching, and individual speech coaching. The coached client sets better goals, takes more action, makes better decisions, and more fully uses his or her natural strengths.

Coaches enhance the traditional functions of friends, mentors, or advisors by adding several effective features:

- A structured relationship with clear goals
- Advanced techniques and procedures designed to effect change
- Motivated clients who know they want something, even if they're not yet sure what it is
- A coach skilled in ferreting out a client's true goals and identifying how the client can most effectively use his or her natural talents to reach them

Sometimes coaches will just help you over that cliff. But only after you've told them you're ready, looked back, and given them the thumbs-up sign.


Coaches presume you are the expert on you. Unlike other practices (consulting, some fields of therapy), a coach does not need to be an expert in the field of your goals in order to coach you on the process of achieving those goals – in fact, a generalist can sometimes help you more than any specialist. That’s because coaches are experts in process -- in the methodology of asking powerful questions that help you to clarify your values, goals, and what blocks you. And coaches are experts in defining, leading you to, and declaring the attainment (or lack thereof) of outcomes. They don't need to be experts in subjects like your psychology or even human psychology, though many are. If expertise matters at all in a given situation, the expertise is yours, the client’s.


Beyond commitment, coaches bring critical attitudes and traits: emotional intelligence, ferocious listening skills, proven psychological techniques, people smarts, and, if you hire right, a sense of humor. Coaches perform assessments of skills and aptitudes, of course, but they also draw out what would give you fulfillment. Most importantly for life and career coaching clients, coaches dig into what clients have always (often since childhood) enjoyed, but too often overlooked. This is just one of the ways we whittle away at who you might reflexively think you are in order to expose the real you.

We know how to help you model the attributes of people you consider successful until that modeling manifest as your new reality. We can show you techniques of mental imagery and construction of effective, positive affirmations. We’re alert to linguistic patterns indicating commitment – or the lack of it. We can spot speech patterns that signal avoidance, resignation, defeatism, and unexamined assumptions and obstructions that impede success.

We also work at converting clients’ unconscious negativity and subtle patterns of defeatist thinking into conscious empowerment. We do this using various methods, including some drawn from consulting and psychology. One is Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), a series of techniques and procedures for coding human behavior in order to assist clients in understanding what they do and how they do it when they do it excellently. Another is cognitive-behavioral therapy. We use framing and metaphors to set up worldviews in speaking to you, and we employ reframing when we see that a worldview (or set of assumptions) expressed by you is restrictive and self-limiting.

We try to apply the best of science and people skills to real caring about how you fare.

• Social Contract. Coaching relies on one of the most powerful forces in the world: the power of the social contract and commitment. For the same reason that public marriage vows tend to keep people together longer than they would in its absence, for the same reason we try harder to keep New Year’s resolutions we have shared with others, coaching is effective because you have made a promise to someone other than yourself – a public or social contract.

• A coach has you as his full-time job. Unlike even a friend, a coach is wholly and formally committed and dedicated to your success, uses rigorous and proven training and techniques to assist you in getting there, and will always (not just most of the time) speak the truth to and challenge you when you could most benefit from it.

• Sometimes we want help but don’t need a therapist: a coach drives a future of high functioning. Unlike a therapist in a strictly counseling format, a coach focuses not on the past but on the future, and supports you not in analyzing dysfunction but in functioning at an even higher level than you already are. For more on this important topic, see our article on "The Difference Coaching and Counseling" at http://www.ferocecoaching.com/coaching-and-counseling.html.

• A coach leads you to answers that are often inside you. Unlike a consultant, who purports to be a subject-matter expert and creates most of any plan of action, a coach is an expert on, if anything, process and motivation, and simply guides you in the creation of most of your own plan of action. We believe and have seen that people are fundamentally creative and resourceful; our job is to show you how to tap into that creativity and those resources.

We bring to the task the following guiding principles:

• A posture of non-judgmental awareness, or unconditional positive regard, or, more simply, acceptance of you
• Authenticity, and honesty coupled with sensitivity
• Compassion-in-action, and empathy

Not all Christmas games have to be for children, or have to be serious. Good gracious, adults like to let their hair down and have a good, silly time too. Here are several games to get you started.

If this is a group that's not afraid of looking silly, here's just the game. Provide a pair of pantyhose for each team and a total of 8 balloons. When the game begins, the team should begin blowing up the balloons and the inflated balloons have to be put into the legs of the pantyhose. To make this game fair, the teams should be of equal number and the pantyhose not a petite size.

The game ends when someone gets all their balloons into the legs of the pantyhose, "wears" the antlers and sings the first verse of "Jingle Bells". Be sure to make everyone finish the game, however, so you can get a great picture of everyone in his or her pantyhose antlers.

For a fun relay-type game, how about making a Santa beard? Make a big bowl of cotton balls and get a container of Vaseline. Put some Vaseline on the chins of each member of each team (ideally, 2 teams of about 5 people each). The first players in line run to the bowl of cotton balls and sticks their chin in trying to get as many to stick to the Vaseline as possible. They run to the back of their line, so the next player can have a turn.

When everyone on a team has a beard, that team wins. As with the other game, be sure to take lots of pictures of everyone wearing their Santa beards. Also have plenty of towels and water to get the Vaseline off.

This next game is great for a smaller group of people who are open to a more quiet game. This is about packing Santa's bag. You start by saying, "I packed Santa's bag and in it I put pajamas." The next person continues with, "I packed Santa's bag and in it I put pajamas, and toilet paper." Each person continues, each time adding a new item, but also listing the items that were added before. You are out of the game when you miss an item. Someone could be sitting outside the game keeping a list of all the items so if the game goes on for a bit, you will know if someone misses an item.

If you're having a Christmas party for adults, why not offer up a fun game that's sure to remind them of a childhood favorite? Create a Christmas scavenger hunt. You will tell people to create teams (about 4 people per team is adequate, but you might want to have larger or smaller teams depending on the size of your party). Make a list of items they need to return with.

If you choose to keep the searching local, either at your home or in the neighborhood, include items like a miniature light string, a piece of holly, a leave off a poinsettia plant, and the like. If you choose to have guests traipse all over town for items, you can have even more fun. You might require them to purchase a holly-decorated box of tissue, or have them provide photo proof that they went down your city's Christmas Tree Lane. Whatever it is, be creative and enjoy the process. People love this game, not only because it reminds them of childhood, but it helps people get to know other party guests they might know that well and it's a game that gets people working together, which can always be fun.

Everyone enjoys Hershey's kisses at Christmas. Divide your group into two teams and have two bowls of Hershey's kisses at the other end of the room. Give each team one set of oversized mittens or gloves. The first person in line runs to the bowl of kisses, and has to unwrap the kiss while wearing the oversized mittens/gloves and pop the kiss into their mouth. They run back, tag the next person in line, and exchange the mittens/gloves and the next person runs forward to get a chocolate kiss. The winning team is the one in which all members have enjoyed a kiss first.

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